Since man's civilization there has been those kind of people who have always wanted to standout among the others. Those kind of people where often not understood by people within their societies and where probably the social misfits. Thanks to globalization today being different, dressing different, talking different is kinda of a special thing. Through out humans history man has always shown different preferences in things and actions. Those preferences that stood out and were understood by the majority of the population is what we call  fashion today.  Mans fashion typically the clothing fashion  changes with time. This is the reason why fashion trends   rock for a time being before they are lost, that is they are replaced by new fashion.  But today the old fashion has been making a grand comeback, I dont know if people are running out of ideas or if they are trying to uphold the lost fashion trends again.There has been trendy hairstyles, clothing, shoes and accessories that rocked the 70s to 90s but seam all new today.
Here's a list of some of the trending fashion today that were here all along

 1. Chocker necklaces
Who didn't wear this kind of necklace? I did, my BFF did, all the people around me did. It was almost suffocating when it came out because people were all over it like its some kind of new stuff. They came in all sorts of material and designs like velvet,plastic,beads,leather,metal and name it all. They have been around for thousands of years. For those of you who didn't have the chance to see them( which is unlikely) here Is a photo of them.

2. Tartan
You have probably come across this kind of clothing, seen someone wearing it or at least watched a movie with a character dressed in a tartan. Its always wrapped around the waist and cast over the shoulder and fastened at the front.

3. Pants with wide legs
The fashion is still getting its stamina back since in some places its still considered the most unfashionable wear ever. Its kinda making a big comeback in the women collection. The grate feature about them now is the tight high waste top. The fashion is kinda popular for official wear ( atleast thats what i see in my part of the world.

4. Sweatpants
Fitness people have decided it doesnt have to be loose big clothes wear anymore. Rather todays sweat pants are kinda loose yet slightly tight fitting, cosy and comfortable.  No one has to feel like he/she has been stuffed in a cloth again. Though the intention might have been to provide clothes for athletic purposes today you can wear sweat pants almost anywhere and for this reason there a variety of sweat pants that have evolved including fashion pants,windpants, tearway  pants, and muscle pants.

5.Ripped jeans

This is a typical look of a bad boy or of a bad girl. Its the look that cool people would go for without to have to say anything about their coolness.

6.Cut off jean shorts

Whenever "SUMMER IS HERE" people always think of the fun and pleasure that comes with it.  And what's summer without cut off jeans shorts? Male or female the wear gives you the casual homey kinda of look.  You could wear the jeans out on a picnic,  in the pack and at the beach. actually all summer activities could involve your inseparable friend "cut of jeans shorts". They are the kind of wear that are fun, versatile and festive that most people have learned to love. They are making a grand comeback in all kinda of stiles

There are so many more and the list goes on and on. I would probably write the whole book if I were to write them all down. So am going to list em with photos.
7.Combat boots

8.Crop tops

9.Flannel shirt

10.BIG hair-afros,bobs and bangs

11.Denim jackets or shirts

12.Flip-flops (platform)

13.Pixie cuts

14.Mirrored and round sun glasses


16.Shoulder pads

17.Neon colored wear

18.Printed clothes

19.Mommy jeans

20. Box braids

21. Leather jacket

And the list goes on and on because each day that goes by a person wakes up and decides to pop up with an old fashion wear and the rest of the world follow along. Why don't you tell us your most favorite old fashion wear and how you rock it.

Photos: from instagram