Rancidity is
the chemical decomposition of lipids.
Oxidation of lipids is a major cause of deterioration
in the quality of lipids, dairy, meat and meat products and affects many
characteristics such as flavor, color, texture and nutritive value.
development of rancid flavors during storage is a major problem facing the oil,
dairy and meat industries
Many of the off-flavours develop during the processes known as
hydrolytic rancidity and oxidative rancidity. Rancidity is the term associated with the development of
off-flavours in foods and is defined as the subjective organoleptic appraisal
of the off-flavour quality of food. It is subjective because the ability to
perceive an off-flavour varies from person to person.
rancidity is associated with the presence of water,
while oxidative rancidity requires the interaction of oxygen.
Hydrolytic rancidity
Water and fat can exist in contact with one another for months at a
time. The rate of reaction between water and fat can become significant if
there is a suitable catalyst present and the temperature is raised. The typical
catalysts are lipase enzymes and acidic catalysts. Most usually the lipase
comes from bacterial contamination. An alternative enzyme system which can
cause rancidity, the lipoxygenases, can be introduced from vegetables.
Lipolysis, the enzymic
hydrolysis of milk lipids to free fatty acids and partial glycerides, is a
constant concern to the dairy industry because of the detrimental effects it
can have on the flavor and other properties of milk and milk products. However,
free fatty acids also contribute to the desirable flavor of milk and milk
products when present at low concentrations and, in some cheeses, when present
at high concentrations.
The enzymes responsible for the detrimental effects of lipolysis are of
two main types: those indigenous to milk,
and those of microbial origin. The
major indigenous milk enzyme is lipoprotein lipase. It is active on the fat in
natural milk fat globules only after their disruption by physical treatments or
if certain blood serum lipoproteins are present. The major microbial lipases are produced by
psychrotrophic bacteria. Many of these enzymes are heat stable and are
particularly significant in stored products.
When a food is contaminated by bacteria and is subsequently heated, we
have the conditions for hydrolytic rancidity. In these situations, the
triglycerides in the food are hydrolysed, first to diglycerides, then
monoglycerides and finally to fatty acids. Lipolysis may be a problem in milk
powder, creams. butter, ice cream and cheese.
Hydrolytic rancidity refers to the
hydrolysis of triglyceride into its component fatty acids and glycerol. The
reason it causes an odor and flavor deterioration is because we taste
individual fatty acids more than the total triglyeride. Since lipase naturally
occurs in dairy products, it happens that short chain fatty acids are a major
component. These short chain fatty acids like butyric acid are particularly able
to be perceived by the tongue sensory buds. Since hydrolytic rancidity occurs
naturally, the best defense is to keep butter in the refrigerator.
Oxidative rancidity
This is
caused by auto-oxidation of lipid components in food.
is defined as spontaneous oxidation of a substance in contact with molecular
Oxygen. It results into formation of off-flavours and off-odours. Colour
deterioration, nutritional deterioration and impairment on texture are other
attributes affected by lipid oxidation.
Oxygen attacks the double bond in fatty
acids to form peroxide linkages -therefore, phospholipids which
contain a high content of unsaturated fatty acids, mainly linoleic and
arachidonic acids are more susceptable to oxidation.
Rancidity is
a spoilage factor affecting all aspects of food acceptability. The lipid
component most susceptible to auto-oxidation are the unsaturated fatty acids,
especially with double bonds.

this stage few molecules of the lipid RH are sufficiently activated by heat,
light or metal catalyst to decompose into unstable free radical R. + H.
2. Propagation:

the presence of O2 the free radical reacts with R. to form peroxide; Or the radical can react with
fresh molecule of lipid RH producing Hydroperoxide
(ROOH) and a free radical R..
The free radical is formed without the help of the initiator or activator.
free radical combines with other free radical or free radical inactivator to
yield stable compounds which accumulate in the system.

Free radicals can damage living tissues unless
antioxidants, ie. tocopherols
or vitamin E, are present to react with free radicals
When no radicals are available for further reaction
with oxygen, necessary for a new initiation reaction to occur if oxidation is
to continue
hydroperoxides (are very unstable) and
enter a series of reaction leading to more free radicals and stable
final products. These final products include short chain Carboxylic compounds (aldehydes and ketones) responsible for
the rancid flavour and the side reactions leading to the overall deterioration.

Antioxidants are often added to fat-containing foods in order to delay the onset or
slow the development of rancidity due to oxidation.
Antioxidants Used To Decrease
Oxidative Rancidity of Fat or Oil
hydroxyanisole (BHA)
oxidative stability, antioxidants
hydroxytoluene (BHT)
oxidative stability, antioxidants
(Pro-Vitamin A)
color of finished foods; color additive
citric acid
metal-catalized oxidation and production of dark colors; metal chelating
buttery odor and flavor
scavenger to prevent lipolytic rancidity; emulsifier
oxidation; antifoam agent
butylhydroquinone (TBHQ)
oxidative stability, antioxidants
antioxidant, improves oxidative stability
The natural antioxidants tend to be
short-lived, so synthetic antioxidants are used when a longer shelf-life is
preferred. In addition, rancidity can be
decreased, but not completely eliminated, by storing fats and oils in a cool,
dark place with little exposure to oxygen or free-radicals, since heat and
light accelerate the rate of reaction of fats with oxygen. The addition of
antimicrobial agents can also delay or prevent rancidity due to the growth of
bacteria or other micro-organisms.
Factors which
affect the rate of rancidity:
1. Temperature:
rate of autooxidation increases with temperature. High temperature accelerates
the generation of free radicals. Temperature increases the rate of
autooxidation as well as the reaction mechanism.
2. Light
light accelerates the initiation of the chain reaction especially the
acceleration of peroxide decomposition.
3. Oxygen:
rate of autooxidation increases with increasing Oxygen pressure, until a
constant oxidation rate is reached beyond a given pressure eg. Exclusion of air
(vacuum or Nitrogen packs, use of packaging material with low Oxygen
permeability) is used for retardation of oxidative deterioration of fatty