In life there are things we do or do not do on daily basis and yet we know they are wrong. We are accustomed to these things and before we know it we think it's okay to do them or not to do them. Here's a list of things that a large population of people do or do not do right in their daily life.

1. Not drinking water
You probably think this is stupid thing to write about considering the fact that you have heard it all your life. You have learned the importance of drinking enough water all the way from kindergarten to where you are right now. It's probably some sick repetition of things and it's getting on your nerves. Today just bare with me and read through about the importance of drinking water for your body. Most people drink water when they are thirsty.....come on people water isn't all about quenching your thirst. It regulates your body temperature, keeps the tissues in your body moist, helps your body remove wastes,it aids in digestion. It's good for your skin and a list of many more things. Isn't that enough to give water a chance in your life? After all water is life. Visit @drinkingwaterallday for more advantages of water in our body.

2. Listening to loud music
 There is no better feeling than loud banging music blasting out of the speakers. The beat is so clear and hypnotising and for a moment you feel like you are on top of the world. Loud music is a thing for teenagers  at least in my part of the world. Therefore the likelihood that they would be affected more is high.  Music soothes the heart and makes you feel good inside and out which is a good thing however my only concern is on loud music. Normally what we consider normal hanging out places like loud bars, night clubs, music events and even music from our personal audio devices( e.g ear phones) can permanently damage your hearing. The WHO found out that 50% of those studied listen to unsafe sound levels on personal audio devices while about 40% are exposed to damaging levels of music at entertainment venues.  So clearly only 10% of the people are safe which sucks.  Why don't you start now, today listening to safe sound levels of music on your personal device.  It's not worth it, loosing your hearing simply because you couldn't turn your music volume down.

3. Not eating fruits and vegetables
"Totally uncool" that's what you are probably thinking. I know vegetables do not have appealing taste that most people would desire and who the hell would want to choose vegetables over nice grilled meat.
But here's is the thing people your fruits and vegetables are true and good friends in ways you could never imagine.  Here's what they do for your body; they reduce your chances of ever getting cardiovascular disease and diabetes. They supply you with enough fibre, vitamins and minerals that function as antioxidants, phytoestrogens and inflammatory agents.  So people eat your fruits and vegetables do not push then down your napkins, don't do that to friends.

4. Not using  a straw  to drink juice
Okay I know what you are all thinking right now. Is lame. It might sound as a small issue but it's a big deal people. The environment people may come to me hard but just read through to the end and decide for yourself. Most juices we drink today be organic or inorganic contain a grate deal of acids;  tartaric, malic, citric, carbonic and you name it all.  Whether inorganic or organic each juice contains one or more of these acids.  Acids seam to have a thing for our enamel because every time they meet the acid corrodes it. In this fight our teeth always end up loosing.  Straws helps us avoid this problem and we can take our juices while keeping acids out our teeth. It's not easy having to have your juice and concentrate so that it does not touch your teeth but it's worth it.

5. Phone addiction 
Very often human beings get attached to things and those things are precious to them.  People get attached to their pets, certain clothing and other material things.  There is  this new issue where people are attached to their phones and attach their happiness with them.  They can not be happy if anything they do does not involve their phones. Google that am pretty sure it's some kind of disorder. Most people use their phones from dawn to dusk even when they could be doing other things.  Addictions to smart phones makes it seem entirely impossible to live without one. There are consequences when you love your smart phone so much and once addicted it is hard to withdraw from the addiction like any other form of addiction, back problems,  nerve damage,  anxiety and depression, disrupted sleep and social effect. It's not old school to decide one day of the week to entirely forget about your phone and engage in other activities that do not involved your smart phone. Can you?

6. Not doing body exercises
This activity is not for some people and less or not supposed to be done by the other half of people. Exercises are for everyone. Recently body exercises are attached with an objective; increasing butts,  getting jaw dropping abbs and getting that hourglass figure. It's okay but when was the last time you performed exercises that didn't neglect certain parts of your body or when was the last time you performed exercises at all.  Making exercises part of your daily routine is a good thing because exercises help you in a number  of ways. Exercises help one control body weight, they reduce the risk of heart diseases, the body is able to manage blood sugar and insulin levels, they help one quit unhealthy habits like smoking,  they keep thinking and learning skills sharp,  they reduce risks of certain cancers and improve sexual health. So get up and exercise buddies it's worth the try.

7. Staying up all night 
Who has ever stayed up all night watching TV, clubbing and even hanging out with friends. I am a guilty party here, but with years and experience I have come to learn how precious sleeping hours are to me, you should too.  You probably learned that the day after you stayed up late you woke up with a blasting headache. Sleep not only boosts your mood but goes beyond other importance's like improving your memory, you could live longer, sleep reduces risk to certain diseases, it spurs your creativity and even sharpens your attention. It's okay to cancel that night party, it's okay to switch off your TV and watch the recap the next day, it's okay to turn in for the night at your friends sleep over. All these could be arranged to happen some other time but trust me you need your sleep. Do not rob yourself of that.

These practices do not necessarily have to show you the effects now.  Later in life people keep wondering what happened to them and they often ask themselves "how did I get here? ". There is no juju or any kind of magic that happened. You happened ,and if you want to change the potential bad ending of your story then start now. It's never too late to behave healthy.