Many people......okay I should probably rephrase this, many guys today probably think girls are materialistic. They think girls  are always after money and material things in a relationship. And of course girls have earned themselves different unpleasant names like gold diggers,wallet hamper,penny Fisher  and uuuuuuuurgh the list is too long. Anyway here is some insight today why things have turned out to be this way.

Okay,  what am about to say is not gonna sound bad  for some people but am going to  say it anyway. Bro, any bro out there do not ever,like EVER think that your girl does not want your money, new shoes, new clothes, that dream car of hers and that expensive holiday on some God knows what island.

Most girls find a successful man sexy, even when his entire physique says the opposite.  To a girl a successful man is like a cold sparkling drink on a sunny day shouting out to her "Come here beautiful, pick me, am gonna quench yo thirst, yo gonna like me". Thats what girls see in a successful man.

Girls don't want to admit this out loud in public but when in  their secret confortable zones of their lives these are things they wish secretly wish from their men. How loaded their men are, are among the things they talk about with their best friends.  These are the things they  brag about in front of their girlfriends.

So apart from being all masculine,  handsome and all macho success should probably be  added as a new criterion for a sexy man. I think I should probably give out the reasons why girls go for successful men

1. Girls are ambitious too

Men probably think all a girl has to do is look beautiful for them and that's all. We live in an era where men still think a woman does not have a mind and life of her own. Like all human beings women too have ambitions and want their dreams materialized like any other person. And to do that they always go for partners that can make things easier for them. They want connections and all that.

2. Successful men always know what they want in life

A woman doesn't have to feel like she needs to babysit the man and hence she can have her time on her business. It's not always wrong for the woman to support a man but this will in turn create fear in her if she won't be able to support her man anymore. And you all know what fear does to relationships. This is no rule but most men who have created their own wealth tend to be ambitious, hard working, energetic and out going.  And what more could a woman want than a man with all that.

3. They want assured financial security for the future.
Women want to know if they can trust you enough to guarantee a better future for them and their offsprings.They want good medical services, good schools for their children and later on job connections or opportunities for their children.  The feeling and assurance that her man could give her all that kinda makes her feel protected and safe even in future.

4. It's an evolution principle
Women look for resources and men give them resources. This has nothing to do with staying idle and always receiving material things from your man. A woman can still work for her own needs but yet a man could still be the woman's godfather by giving her what she needs. And its not always a condition or a woman doesn't have to feel entitled to give back something in return.  This does not reduce your independence rather it's nice to have a man's shoulder to lean on.  Okay I probably didn't present this well but come on it has always been that way though evolution is trying to switch things.

5. Who doesn't want to get spoiled a little?
I mean no harm can come with a little spoiling your woman right?  Getting her that rare collection dress and God damned that dream car.  Gawd who wouldn't want that.

6. Everyone wants be comfortable
Money could play multiple roles in a relationship. Creating comfort is the biggest role. I mean it all makes sense now about that quote " you would rather cry in a Ferrari than laugh on a  bicycle ". The more money one has the less restrictions there will be. So women love men that can make life comfortable though it not always the case that money creates comfort ( but that is a story for another day). With a successful man she can travel at will, live in her dream house and attend the coolest parties without restrictions.

It's safe to say all women like money, but how much each woman wants varies from person to person  Things like culture, personality and upbringing could play a role in this. That is, the definition of a successful man could be different among different women because of the above reasons.While one woman asks for airtime from the man the other wants to go on an expensive cruise across the world.
                                                                 Funny right?