CREATES: 15 Scholarships for PhD candidates and 25 Scholarships for Master´s candidates available starting in 2018 | ONLY FOR ONLINE MEMBERS WIN $100 BY READING FIVE(5) POSTS

CREATES: 15 Scholarships for PhD candidates and 25 Scholarships for Master´s candidates available starting in 2018

The  Centre   for  Research,   Agricultural   advancement,   Teaching  Excellence    and  Sustainability   in Food and Nutritional  Security (CREATES),  hosted bythe School  of Life Sciences and Bioengineering atthe Nelson  MandelaAfrican   Institution  of Scienceand Technology  (NM-AIST) hasopened its PhD positions  for suitable candidates  to apply  for specialties  inthe four  CREATESmain streams, namely; Sustainable Agriculture,   Food  and Nutrition  Sciences, Biodiversity  Conservation  and Eco- system   Management,  and Global  Health  and Biomedical  Sciences. This newly  established  African Centre  of Excellence,   CREATES,   isaimed  at students  who are gifted
,   passionate, creative and free thinkers,  innovative,  and who  will  bejob creators   rather  than  job-seekers  inthe future.   CREATES provides  experiential   teaching,  a buzzing  atmosphere   of  international   and  interdisciplinary    research  and education  activities,  novel  technologies   and  privatepublic    partnerships   with  the  in-idustry   and the community   at large  aswell  as hands-on  learning experience    and evidence based problem  solving   projects.  CREATESencompasses  novel  curricula  approaches,  cutting-edge    re- search  facilities  and highly  skilled  national, regional and international   supervisors  invarious  fields of Life Sciences. CREATESencompasses  six   main  streams, i.e., “Sustainable Agriculture”,  “Food Biotechnology,  Clinical  Human  Nutrition  and dietetics”,   “Biodiversity   Conservation  and Ecosystem Management”  aswell as”Global   Health  and Biomedical  Sciences”, which  involves aspects of drug development   and Nanoscience.
Applicants fort hese PhD position sshould have the following qualifications,knowledge and essentialattributes:
•   Have aMSc degree   inLife Sciences or relevant discipline.
• The MScdegree  should  berecognized  by NM-AISTsenate  and TanzaniaCommission for Universities (TCU).
•   Be able  to draft  and submit   aresearch proposal  concept  note  with  the application   documents (including  atitle,  brief  introduction,   methodology   and expected   results), showing that they are capable  of carrying  out original   research inthe relevant field.
•   Bebelow  the age of 40 at application   date.
•   Beable to publish  scientifically   inhigh  impact   peer reviewed international  journals (and  prefera
bly already   have such apublication).
•   Have interest   inthe above  teaching  and research approach  and be able to work  independently and inateam.
•   Have excellent   English  oral and writing   skills.
•   Bewilling   to specialize  inone of the 6CREATESpillars.
•   Have ahigh degree  of computer  competence  and familiarity  with  modern statistical  software.
•   Have the ability   to work  inmulti-disciplinary    and international   teams.
•   Beself-motivated   and be able to work  under  pressure to meet  deadlines when  required.
•   Femalesand regional candidates  are strongly  and highly  encouraged  to apply
•Applicants    must  meet  and fulfill  minimum  NM-AIST  admission  requirement  to be considered  for scholarship  including  filling   application   form  and payment  of application   fees. As such  if you do not have NM-AIST admission  please  apply  for one simultaneously

• Applicants   with  NM-AIST provisional/admission    letters   and meeting  call requirement   are not subjected  to fill application   for admission.  They are required  to attach   their  provisional/admission  letter  together  with  other  required  documents.
Details of the position
The PhD scholarship  programme  will  run for three  years  starting   151h   January, 2018. All students will  receive  a partial   scholarship  over this time  frame.  The partial   scholarship  will  cover  university  fees and direct   student   costs  (i.e., a monthly  stipend   at the  rate of US$200  per month   to cover  living   expenses   (meals   and  upkeep   allowance)  while   in Tanzania. Accommodation    fees are  being   paid  directly    to  NM-AIST which   provides  student    hostels. Support  to   attend    prescribed   courses and/or   undertake  research inpartner   institutions   will   be covered aswill  be  determined   by CREATES Management  Team  and  the  respective    students  and  supervisors.  Research  costs  are only  covered   by aminimum  amount  and all students  are required  to apply  for additional  funding   to cover  their  research activities.
Mode of application
• Applicants   are required  to provide   their  Curriculum  Vitae  (CV)
• A one-page  abstract  of their  MSc thesis
• Two recommendation    letters,   one from  their  latest  employer  and the other  from  previous supervisor  Ieducator
• Certified  copies   of academic  certificates.   All   applicants   holding    foreign    qualifications    must have  their   qualifications    validated    and  equated  by the  respective   regulatory   bodies   before being  allowed  for admissions  asfollows:
• The Tanzania Commission  for  Universities   in respect   of University  Qualification    Framework
(UQF)    Level  6to 9qualifications
• The National  Council for Technical Education  in respect   of NTA Level  6to 9    qualifications
• The Vocational  Education  and Training Authority   in respect   of certificates   invocational  edu
cation   and training
• The National  Examination    Council of Tanzania in respect   of certificates   secondary  education and teacher  education.
• Any  publications   they  might   have achieved
• A max.   2-page   motivation   letter   why  they  think   they  should   be selected  for  this  CREATES
• A 3-page   concept   note  on a proposed   research  topic   including   a title,  brief   introduction, methodology    and expected    results
• Successful candidates  will  be required  to attend   an oral interview
• Applicants   must  also meet  the  minimum  NM-AIST requirements   asstated   on the webpage link below  and must  have filled  the  NM-AIST application   form
Short  listed  applicants  will  be invited   for an interview  shortly   after  the deadline
Deadline for this application is November 20th 2017 and interviews will beheld n the week from Nov 28st until Dec1 st 2017.Recruitment will be in Januar y2018.
All application documents should be sent electronically
For more information see the following link:


The Centre for Research, agricultural Advancement, Teaching Excellence and Sustainability in Food and Nutritional Security (CREATES), hosted by the School of Life Sciences and Bioengineering at the Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology (NM-AIST) has opened its Master´s positions for suitable candidates to apply. This newly established African Centre of Excellence is aimed at students who are gifted, passionate, creative and free thinkers, innovative, and who will be job-creators rather than job-seekers in the future. CREATES provides experiential teaching, a buzzing atmosphere of international and interdisciplinary research and education activities, novel technologies and private-public partnerships with the industry and the community at large as well as hands-on learning experience and evidence-based problem solving projects. CREATES encompasses novel curricula approaches, cutting-edge research facilities and highly skilled national, regional and international supervisors in various fields of Life Sciences. CREATES encompasses Six main streams, i.e., “Sustainable Agriculture”, “Food and Nutrition Sciences”, Master of Science in Conservation Management of African Ecosystems (CMAE), “Biodiversity Conservation and Ecosystem Management”, Clinical Human Nutrition and Diatetics as well as “Global Health and Biomedical Sciences”, which includes MSc program in “Nanoscience and Drug Development ”.
Applicants for this Master’s Degree programme scholarship should have the following qualifications, knowledge and essential attributes:
- A minimum of Upper Second Class BSc degree in Life Sciences or equivalent related fields such as Nutrition, Medicine (human and veterinary), Pharmacy, Agriculture, Agronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Ecology, etc. The BSc. Degree should have been acquired from any accredited university within Africa or other International Institutions recognized by the Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU).
- Candidates that hold unclassified degrees (e.g. MD, BVM and DDS) shall have at least an overall of “C” grade and an average of “B” grade in the relevant subject or field of his/her specialization.
- Be able to publish scientifically in high impact peer reviewed international journals during the course of their studies.
- Have interest in the above teaching and research approach and be able to work independently and in a team.
- Must be below 35 years of age
- Have proven excellent English oral and writing skills
- Be willing to specialize in one of the four CREATES pillars.
- Have a high degree of computer competence and familiarity with modern statistical software
- Have the ability to work in multi-disciplinary and international teams.
- Be self-motivated and be able to work under pressure to meet deadlines when required.
- Females and regional candidates are strongly and highly encouraged to apply
- Applicants must meet and fulfill minimum NM-AIST admission requirement to be considered for scholarship including filling application form and payment of application fees.
- Applicants with NM-AIST provisional/admission letters and meeting call requirement are not subjected to fill application for admission. They are required to attach their provisional/admission letter together with other required documents
Details of the position
The Master´s scholarship programme will run for two years starting January 2018. All admitted students will receive a partial scholarship over this time frame. The partial scholarship will cover university fees and direct student costs (i.e., a monthly stipend at the rate of US$ 200 per month to cover living expenses (meals and upkeep allowance) while in Tanzania. Accommodation fees are being paid directly to NM-AIST which provides student hostels. Support to attend prescribed courses and/or undertake research in partner institutions will be covered as will be determined by CREATES Management Team and the respective students and supervisors. Research costs are only covered by a minimum amount and all students are required to apply for additional funding to cover their research activities.
Mode of application
- Applicants should provide their Curriculum Vitae (CV)
- A one-page abstract of their BSc thesis if available
- A recommendation letter from your latest employer and/or previous supervisor / educator
- Certified copies of their academic certificates.
All applicants holding foreign qualifications must have their qualifications validated and equated by the respective regulatory bodies before being allowed for admissions as follows:
- The Tanzania Commission for Universities in respect of University Qualification Framework (UQF) Level 6 to 9 qualifications
- The National Council for Technical Education in respect of NTA Level 6 to 9 qualifications
- The Vocational Education and Training Authority in respect of certificates in vocational education and training
- The National Examination Council of Tanzania in respect of certificates secondary education and teacher education.
- A max. 2-page motivation letter why they think they should be selected for this CREATES programme
- Successful candidates will be requested to attend an oral interview at NM-AIST (skype can be an option for candidates from outside Tanzania)
- Applicants must also meet the minimum NM-AIST requirements as stated on the webpage link below and must have filled the NM-AIST Admission application form
- Incomplete documents or failure to follow instructions will automatically lead to disqualification
Short listed applicant will be invited for an interview shortly after the dead line
Deadline for this application is November 20th 2017 and interviews will be held in the week from Nov 28th until Dec 1st 2017. Recruitment will be in January 2018. All application documents should be sent electronically to:
For more information see the following link: and ;
More information on NM-AIST admission requirements you can find here: CLICK HERE

NM-AIST post-graduate application form CLICK HERE